6 Quotes & Sayings By Rene Webb

Rene Webb is an author and journalist who has written for publications such as Ladies Home Journal, Redbook, Allure, and SmartMoney. She is the author of the international bestseller The Age of Desire: Why Women Want Sex More Than Men (2005) and the book that taught her a lot about writing: Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within (2000).

Fuck! The things she does to me with a simple kiss. Rene Webb
What’s the fuckin’ difference between leggings and tights? Rene Webb
Can we have breakfast now? No matter how sweet it is, a man can’t live on pussy alone. Rene Webb
When did I start feeling so safe with him? I guess knowing that my friends wouldn’t set me up with some psycho criminal helps. Rene Webb
Life never seems to go the way you imagine it will. Rene Webb